Healing the soul of society through therapeutic work with the individual soul

Since my childhood I perceived that life was more than my physical eyes saw. I felt that I was more than my body. I did not understand the concept of sin transmitted by religions. I felt that the walk on this existence was more than just accumulating of information and there was something very important in experimentation of the emotion. Somehow I tried to lead these concerns through painting, singing, and by connecting with others.

In a first step I focused on my career as a social worker, connecting with others through concrete service, but my heart told me there was a whole world that was pending in that service, and beyond it.

Thus I came to the PLT, which gave me an enriched visions of new paradigms and confirmed what I sensed when I was a child. Clearly this new vision marked a before and after in my life as a woman and professional. Throughout this way I have been integrating to my profession, the   work of the soul, and I has could observed with glee how the human being, part of a society has a valuable inner world, that if it can be integrate or heal it becomes an incarnated soul into a physical body that contributes auspiciously to their mates around family, at work, in school and ultimately in the society.

The past history conditions and marks the present and the future. Beliefs, judgments, fears, loneliness, cause suffering or pleasure in all mankind. If an individual person is sick, will affects the globality. A healthy society needs healthy individuals. Society is the individual and the individual is society. For a change to be made in society, we must change as individuals. The individual resonance affects environment; therefore, a happy man transmits happiness to his family, his people, his nation, society, humanity as a whole. When working in the liberation of Samskaras, or personal loads, the Past Life Therapy is helping to the individual to cooperate better with the overall welfare of society.

As a social worker and PLT therapist I have the satisfaction of an integrated work, a real contribution to produce a kind, tolerant and cooperative society, where the separation is an illusion. If the other feel bad, a part of me is wrong, and if the other feel good a part of me is fine. The work in unit of the PLT therapists certainly will help to heal our society.

 This article is part of the March 2015 edition of “THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REGRESSION THERAPYthat reflects the views of seven Chilean therapists, each from a different professional sphere, in their journey of learning and healing in PLT.

You can read the complete edition: http://journalofregressiontherapy.com/jrt_issue/issue-27/